Cake Preservation: How to Store Cakes Properly

Cake Preservation: How to Store Cakes Properly

Got too much leftover cake from an event or birthday party that you’re reluctant to dispose of? Fret not, as there are several cake storage techniques to help you extend the shelf life of your sweet treat for a couple more days or weeks! Proper storage is crucial in preventing contamination and spoilage. After all, consuming expired food can pose dangerous health risks such as food poisoning and even lead to hospitalisation in more severe cases. In this article, we’re here to share key cake preservation tips, ensuring your dessert remains fresh, delicious, and safe for consumption. 

Learn more: How to Pick the Perfect Cake for Every Occasion

Keep it Cool and Dry 

Storing your cake in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture stops the growth of mould and bacteria, which thrive in warm, humid environments. This practice also maintains the confectionary’s texture, preventing it from becoming soggy or drying out too quickly. Place your cake in an airtight container and keep it in a pantry or cupboard. If the room is particularly warm, refrigeration is your best option, but make sure it is well-wrapped to minimise absorption of odours and flavours from other foods.

Wrap it Right

A cake packed in a container to be stored in the fridge

Think of your sweet delight as a little present to yourself — one of the best parts of receiving gifts lies in their wrapping and cakes are no exception. A properly wrapped cake is essential to preserving its freshness and flavor. Plastic wrap or aluminum foil serves as a great cover to retain moisture and protect the dessert from exposure to air, which causes staleness and loss of texture. If you’ve got a freshly baked cake on your hands, start by allowing it to cool completely to avoid condensation. Then, wrap it in a layer of plastic wrap, ensuring a tight seal around all sides. For extra protection, add a layer of aluminum foil over the plastic wrap.  

Use an Airtight Container

A tiramisu cake packed in a container

Once your cake has been tightly wrapped, you can even take it a step further and use an airtight container to minimise exposure and unwanted odours from other foods in the fridge or pantry. Gently position the confectionary into the container, such that it fits comfortably without being squished. Securely fasten the lid to make sure that it is fully sealed. For the best results, choose a container of a suitable size, avoiding excessive empty space. This method helps maintain your cake’s quality, keeping it fresh and ready to enjoy.

Freeze for Future Enjoyment 

Don’t plan on consuming your delectable treat within a few days? Freezing remains an excellent alternative, allowing you to indulge at a later date while retaining its flavor and texture. Firstly, encase the cake in multiple layers of plastic wrap or aluminum foil to protect it from freezer burn and to seal in the moisture. Next, place it in a freezer-safe container or resealable plastic bag for additional insulation. Remove as much air as possible from the container or bag before sealing. Finally, label the container with the date to keep track of storage duration. When you’re ready to enjoy your dessert, simply thaw it in the refrigerator overnight while still wrapped to prevent condensation from forming on the cake’s surface.

No doubt, proper storage can preserve and prolong the lifespan of your cake, but nothing beats the taste of freshly baked goods. If you’re craving a delicious, fluffy indulgence, our cake shop in Singapore has got you covered. Take advantage of Swee Heng Bakery’s online delivery service and have scrumptious snacks delivered right to your doorstep! 

Contact us today for more information.